Sunday, May 17, 2015

I'll love you forever

People come and go in our lives, and it's extremely difficult to truly trust someone if people always leave. I've struggled with trust for years because I didn't want to let anyone in my life who could hurt me. I've struggled as I've slowly allowed each of my best friends into my life, and I've struggled when it was time for them to move on without me. My best friend from high school has had an incredible influence on my life. He has been my backbone and my sense of reason when I needed him and when I really needed it he held my heart so I wouldn't fall apart. He's been my biggest blessing and he has always had my back. This has been the friendship of a lifetime and trying to let him go has come with the greatest cost. Love is something special because love is what holds the world together. Without it, we wouldn't be able to live fully and we wouldn't come to know the most incredible parts of life. My love for my best friend will extend through the ages, because that kind of love doesn't die easy. But, as he moves on with his life I have been given the hardest task of letting him go. I think God challenges us to let go of the best things in our lives so we remember how valuable they are, and at the same time take the biggest leap of faith. We need to be reminded how little control we have. We also need to be reminded that better things are coming because that is the only reason the best things in life would be taken from us. I was so blessed to make some of the most amazing friends at school this year, but none of them can ever take the place in my heart that I gave to my best friend. Anger, Sadness, and Regret all follow loss, and though these plague us our entire lives, but we can't let them stop us from living. If anything we should live more fully because we know how important people are in our lives. Best friends are beautiful because they help us learn how to love in a way that we normally wouldn't and how to be vulnerable with someone else. It's hard to let people go, but without them you miss out on an awfully big adventure.

And for my high school best friend, know that I love you with my whole heart and I pray you have the greatest happiness in life, because you brought me a taste of the good life. You mean so much more to me then what I can put into words. Thanks again for everything.

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