Saturday, November 1, 2014

It's time for More Adventures

 Look around you and you are surrounded by so many amazing individuals and this earth is the most gorgeous thing possible. I have come across a deep love for adventure these last few months, and this desire to be closer to the earth and closer to God has created such a beautiful joy in my heart. Our generation has lost the beauty of the outside, when we could all benefit so much from it. God loved us so much he not only created us but he also created this beautiful earth. I used to want to spend most of my time watching TV or messing around on my phone and although I still I want to do both of those things, it's no longer my go-to activity. I would rather go on a real adventure: climb a mountain, hike through the woods, or even going to an empty field and watch the stars for a night. These have been some of the most beautiful moments in my life. I have been able to see the world for what it truly is, and the crazy thing about the world, is it's perfect without all the buildings and gadgets we have today. It was always perfect, we just thought we improved it, but instead we lost some of the amazing aspects of it.
I am amazed by the solid friendships I have made through all this exploring. My best friends are those people who love God and the earth as much as I do. We love to do simple things like take long walks through the woods just to enjoy each others' company. This is a beautiful experience because you really leave all the technology and stress of the world behind you and just allow yourself to be alive. I believe we were originally supposed to live like this. We were supposed to love each other and enjoy our lives in awe of God's power through the earth He has given us.  We spend so much time rushing from thing to thing. In school I rush from class to class to homework session to extracurricular activity, but I've begun to take moments to do tiny things like feel the sunlight on my face or take the long way to class so I can see the beautiful leaves on all the trees. These are so small but they are ways God can say "I Love You" everyday and you can be calm because you are not only one with yourself but also one with nature. It's a beautiful gift being alive, don't waste it. GO on adventures, SEE the world, and LOVE God.

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