Wednesday, August 6, 2014

See You Soon!

Saying good-bye is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I don't enjoy that feeling when you think you may never see someone again. It's scary to think that people you have known your whole life might not be there anymore. Leaving for college is extremely scary because you go off on your own for the first time ever. I like to think of myself as a glass half full kind of girl, but when it comes to good-byes, I tend to be very pessimistic. Having said that, I think we all exaggerate letting go of these people because we believe in the worst case scenario, and think they are gone forever. This is ridiculous, our friends and family aren't dead, they are just on a different place on the same planet. They don't say it's a small world for no reason.. it really isn't all that big. We have the technology now that allows us to call people, and if that's not good enough we can Skype whenever we want and see each other's faces. Plus, coming from the same area, there is no way someone is just going to disappear.  We really do stress out too much about a made up scenario.
Leaving means you have the opportunity to love a whole new group of people
and it allows you to grow as a person. It opens up a whole new world and you can be who you really are without the pressure of people who have known you your entire life. You really be you! What a beautiful opportunity! As Kid President says, "You're Alive, You're Awesome, Live Like it!"  Well, it's time for us all to start living like it!
So for anyone going off to
college, don't be afraid of the inevitable goodbye, because guess what... YOU GOT THIS!
I, personally, am done with saying good-bye for good. We get so worked up about worrying about never seeing someone again we fail to see the wonderful people God has placed in our lives at that moment. So, I guess I'll See Ya Soon! Much Love to all of you!! I can't wait to see where the world takes us. You can't get rid of me yet!

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