Sunday, October 5, 2014

Only One Thing To Do

Throughout my life, I have always been told that I had one thing to do everyday. That was it, just one simple thing, and that was to love. All I had to do was to love God with my whole heart and love everyone else in the world as much as I love myself. Jesus did say these were the most important commandments, but if we think about it, all we have to do everyday is love. That truly is the most important thing we need to do . In the first few weeks of college, I have found that I finally understand this. Living with 400 of your "closest friends"  isn't always easy, but you learn to see God in every single person at every stage. Sometimes love means being there to make someone laugh on their bad days, sometimes it means being the girl who goes to Wal-Mart with them because they don't want to go alone, and sometimes it just means sitting there and listening to them talk about their life. Love comes in all sorts of forms. I have found that even saying hi and smiling to someone is sometimes all
they need. I tend to sit in the Quad and say Hi to everyone who passes even if they don't know me, because you just need to be making other people's lives just a
bit better. I think that we've underestimated the importance of simple things, like smiling. It seems so small and stupid but we want to be wanted. Soemtimes we can't do that for people, but a simple smile can show them that yes, they are noticed and yes, they are important. My friends are always shocked that I talk to everyone, even if I don't know them. But why shouldn't I? They are just as important as my friends are, and they need to be loved too. They are the people you need to begin loving, because your friends already know you love them. I couldn't imagine my life without every single person in my life, and that includes the people I don't know very well. Most of our lives we struggle to find a purpose, but our  purpose is right in front of us. I have never felt like I wasn't worth something when I was spending my time loving someone else. Doesn't that contradict society right there? Society tells us to do what we want so we can be happy, but in truth we are happier when we are not thinking about ourselves at all and we are just focusing on the people around us. Life is so beautiful and it's time for us to start living like it.. and, of course, BE HAPPY.  Let everyone know who you are by the love you show to others.